This was a test shot for "almost Edward". I don't know if this was pre or post-hair extensions on Rob, but this style didn't quite make the final cut.
The WolfMan proclaims that Rob could have single handedly brought back Thunder Cats with a massive vengeance
So sad. Rob really lost an opportunity there to reunite us all with the classic 80's fave's of both Thundercats and Trolls. I guess he didn't quite see the appeal, as he is British. I guess they didn't have Thundercats there.
Rob is that you!
From left to right, meet Emmett, Alice, Bella with a tan, Carlisle, me, and the ever lovely Rosalie. I think she came down with chicken pox or something
My brother Jasper was taking the picture, don't want to leave him out. He often get's distracted anytime someone mentions "The Precious" or "The one ring to rule them all".
Can someone get Edward a sword like that for me though?
OME! This is hilarious, Lauren!